Cost Estimation

How Much Does Wellness App Development Cost?

Top How Much Does Wellness App Development Cost?


There's a big growth in the wellness app industry as people become more health-conscious. With the rise of technology, a lot of businesses and entrepreneurs have started to invest in wellness apps. But what's a wellness app? How does it matter? What types of wellness apps are there? How much does it cost to make a wellness app? Let's take a look at these in detail.

What is a Wellness App?

A wellness app is software that is designed to assist individuals in improving their physical or mental well-being. They include workout plans, meal planners, meditation sessions, and sleep monitors, among other features. Users can access wellness apps on their mobile devices or computers.

In order to stay healthy and well-being, wellness apps are essential. Apps like these can assist users in making healthy choices and sticking to their goals by providing personalized support and guidance. Health apps can motivate users to adopt healthier habits by offering features such as reminders, progress tracking, and social support.

The Growth of The Wellness App Industry

Health and wellness have grown rapidly in the past few years as more people seek to improve their health.

According to the Global Wellness Institute, the wellness industry was valued at $4.5 trillion in 2018, and is expected to continue growing in the coming years.

The wellness industry's growth can be attributed to several factors, including:

  • An aging population
  • Increased awareness of self-care importance
  • Advances in technology

Smartphones are making it easier for consumers to access wellness information.

During the Statista Global Consumer Survey in 2022, the most common fitness and health online services consumers in the United States spent money on were fitness, yoga, and training apps and health tracking apps. Globally, some of the leading health and fitness apps downloaded from the Google Play Store include weight loss apps and home workout apps.

There's no better time to invest in wellness than now with all the popularity of wellness apps. Wellness apps can be a valuable tool for improving health and well-being, along with being a profitable business opportunity. In an industry where wellness is on the rise, wellness apps seem like a promising field for entrepreneurs.

Types of Wellness Apps

Types of Wellness Apps

Fitness apps

These apps focus on physical activity and may include exercise tracking, workout plans, and nutrition advice. The cost of developing a fitness app can vary depending on the complexity of the app, but typically ranges from $10,000 to $50,000.

e.g. FitOn, Beachbody on Demand, Nike Training Club,

Meditation apps

These apps offer guided meditations and mindfulness exercises to help users manage stress and improve their mental health. The cost of developing a meditation app can vary depending on the number of features, but typically ranges from $15,000 to $40,000.

e.g. Headspace, Ten Percent Happier Meditation, Calm, Buddhify.

Nutrition apps

These apps provide users with information and tools to manage their diet and make healthier food choices. The cost of developing a nutrition app can vary depending on the complexity of the app, but typically ranges from $15,000 to $50,000.

e.g. MyPlate Calorie Counter, PlateJoy, MyFitnessPal, Yummly Recipes & Cooking Tools.

Sleep apps

These apps track users' sleep patterns and offer tips for improving sleep quality. The cost of developing a sleep app can vary depending on the number of features, but typically ranges from $15,000 to $40,000.

e.g. Sleep Reset, Sleep Cycle, Sleep Easy, Hatch Sleep App, BetterSleep Relax Melodies

Mental health apps

These apps provide support and resources for individuals struggling with mental health issues, such as anxiety and depression. The cost of developing a mental health app can vary depending on the complexity of the app, but typically ranges from $20,000 to $60,000.

e.g. For talk therapy: BetterHelp, For depression: Talkspace, For stress relief: Sanvello, For kids: Breathe, Think, Do with Sesame

Factors That Impact Wellness App Development Costs

There are several factors that affect the overall cost of developing a wellness app.


Features are one of the biggest factors in app development costs. Apps with more features take more time and resources to develop. For example, a fitness app that has workout plans, nutrition advice, and exercise tracking will take more time and resources than a meditation app. Additional features may require more programming, testing, and debugging, so development costs go up.


Another factor is the platform the app will be built on. Multi-platform apps require more resources and time to develop. Making an exclusive iOS or Android app takes more time and resources than making a cross-platform one.


Costs are also affected by the design of the app. You'll need more design resources and time for a well-designed app with a user-friendly interface. The more complex the design, the more coding it takes to implement it, which can add to the cost.


Another factor is the complexity of the app. Apps with more complexity require more specialized expertise, like machine learning and artificial intelligence.


An average wellness app costs $50,000-$200,000 when you take into account all the parameters, but you can lower that if you want.In the growing wellness industry, wellness apps can be a worthwhile investment for businesses and entrepreneurs. You can develop a high-quality app that meets user needs and generates a return on investment when you understand how development, maintenance, updates, and marketing costs affect the cost.

Work with one of the best wellness app development agencies to take advantage of the growing demand for wellness apps, and improve users' health and well-being worldwide.
