Mobile App Development

The Important Factors and Benefits of UX – What Mobile App Developers Should Know

Essential factors and benefits of UX in mobile app development

In the digital age, creating experiences for consumers that are meaningful and personally relevant is all about adding value to their lives. User experience aims to solve all kinds of confusion, questions, and problems that arise from a user's mind. In the modern era of UX, which aims for creating experiences that last rather than just making impressions, this goal is even more emphasized. In the wake of the rise in digital interactions, both official and personal, marketers are in a fierce contest to gain consumers' trust and loyalty.

What are the factors that influence a good mobile user experience design? How can creating meaningful UX and design to help your business? Let's have a look in the next sections.

The Factors That Influence User Experience Design

Factors That Influence User Experience Design

These are also known as the principles of user experience design.


This principle states that a product should be useful. Why would anyone buy it if that isn't true? Consumers' pain points and needs should be addressed. It is a waste of time, money, and resources to develop something that isn't useful to them.

An effective product should be able to help users accomplish their goals and tasks. Consider, for example, a user who needs a golf set. Amazon or another online retailer is their best bet. Those websites help them fulfil their needs.

A product description on an e-commerce site is another good example. Users can see all the information about the products before buying them, which helps them make their decision. Regardless of how beautiful your product is, if it doesn't solve users' problems, it will not succeed. Usefulness is an important factor.


The usability of a product is another important factor. Usable" products solve problems and help users achieve their goals. However, consumers should be able to complete their objectives efficiently and effectively without any issues.

Say a user is searching for a product on an e-commerce site. In this situation, they would benefit from a search and filter option, which makes their journey more efficient. With the help of this, users can easily find what they need.

We can apply the above example to another scenario. In the absence of a search feature, what will a user do? In order to find the information, the user must surf the entire website, which can be very time-consuming. A website may lose its appeal after a while if it isn't convenient for them. This is where the search feature makes the product usable. Its aim is to make the user's journey seamless.

A menu on a website can also help users navigate easily, improving user experience. Product features should always assist users in achieving their goals.


The user should be able to quickly find the product they need. You can't expect a user to buy if they can't find your product. What is the likelihood of them purchasing your products if they're not aware of your existence? Marketing is also a significant aspect for making your product or service findable.

For example, let's say a user is looking for a hair product. In order to purchase it, they must have sufficient information about it. A webpage or product without the necessary description will be ignored, and the customer will move on to another similar site or product.

It is also possible to classify products on an e-commerce site by categories. Women will browse the women's section rather than browse the whole website, and men will browse the men's section. Additionally, they can search and filter based on their needs.


You should earn the trust of your customers by providing them with quality products and services. As your credibility grows, users will use your products more frequently, enhancing their experience and increasing sales. Fulfilling their expectations and giving them what they want is crucial.

The only thing you will accomplish is to make them leave by misleading them and providing incomplete information. Since you will already be having plenty of competition, they won't be staying.

Let's say a user orders a smartphone that has 256 GB storage, a high-resolution camera, and 8 GB RAM. They receive 8/256 GB; the camera is of very poor quality and not as promised. Is it likely that they will purchase from you again in the future? That's because you have lost all their trust by then. In the long run, users are not interested in products and services that have bad intentions. Your business will be negatively impacted for a long time.

Contact information given on your mobile and web app plays a critical role in establishing credibility. It helps to build trust with your users. Because if the contact information is missing your users have no way of contacting you. Reviews, testimonials, and ratings given by your previous users also help to build trust and subsequently influence your users' decision to convert into paying customers.

However, it is most important to provide your customers with quality products and services to increase your company's credibility.


The product should appeal to users. Users will be attracted to a business by a unique selling point and brand identity. Maybe it is the price of your product range or the design. It could also be the ability of the product to address a particular issue faced by the user. If you succeed in providing a positive and satisfying experience to your users, it leaves a lasting impression on them. By fulfilling a user’s need, you naturally become desirable to them.

For example, Flipkart provides an amazing UX and design when browsing mobile phones. Users can easily find what they are looking for by filtering from the various options provided. The convenience that Flipkart provides makes it very desirable to its users.


A product or service should be accessible to all types of users. Some of your users might be physically challenged while others might be familiar with only a certain language. Regardless of what the user's limitation is, they should be able to use your product or service. All kinds of users should be able to utilize your services and benefit from the quality of service provided.

Therefore, one of the factors to consider while developing your product is how to make it more accessible to all types of users, depending on the type of service you provide. Limiting your options to a single category of users will prove bad for your business.

For example, if your app is targeted at international users, enabling multi-lingual support can help to make your app more likable, and help in gaining more local support.

Another great example is enabling the voice search feature which will prove beneficial for people who are unable to see.


You also need to ensure that your product or service is providing value to the end user. Above all else, it should offer users a better experience by solving their problems and providing them with the services they need. As a result, both the company and the end user should benefit from the partnership.

As a product owner, you need to consider what can be done to make your product more valuable. Thorough and in-depth market research can help you find what can be done or added to make your product invaluable to your users.

One way to do this is by gaining feedback from a handpicked set of users by developing an MVP with all the features included in your app to help them provide useful feedback. Based on the feedback received you can make further changes to improve the user experience.

Benefits of User Experience Design in App Development

Benefits of User Experience Design in App Development

Here are five key benefits of adopting UI/UX design:

Increase customer acquisition and loyalty

An excellent user experience gives you an edge in gaining and retaining customers. It is easier to build trust with people when a solution is aesthetically pleasing and intuitive, and therefore, higher are your chances of attracting users, converting them into customers, and encouraging their friends to use it as well.

Maximize revenue generated

When you plan your users' journey on your platform, you can identify and optimize all potential conversion opportunities. Using A/B testing, you can find out what users like and refine the experience continuously to always outperform your best results by improving the intuition of the experience, planning interactions better, and improving calls to action, which result in increased revenue.

Optimize resources, time, and cost

Your development process will be enhanced if you integrate UI/UX design in it, highlighting and addressing most usability issues encountered during and after solution development. The UI/UX designer can anticipate users' needs before the product is launched. They can also ensure the flexibility and scalability of the designs. When it comes to UI/UX design, adopting a user-centric approach will help you save time, money, and resources.

Gain insights from user engagement

Your user engagement metrics give you valuable insights into what makes customers buy from you. Your platform's user experience provides an environment for your customers to interact with your solutions, so you can accurately measure success on a new level and shape an offering that converts consistently based on their UX engagement insights.

Avoid additional costs in future

Nearly half of all engineering budgets are spent on fixing easily avoidable errors. Users get lost or stuck due to unintuitive navigation, incorrect assumptions regarding user behaviour, and any new features that are unnecessary or inaccessible. Making your platform's user experience a priority from the start will help you avoid future headaches.


A positive user experience is always critical to enhancing customer satisfaction and enhancing your reputation and image. This will help you generate more leads and reach a broader audience.

If you want to build a UI UX design application that enhances overall customer satisfaction that aligns with your business objectives, you can reach out to us. We can help you develop an application that will help you stand out from the competition and create memorable and lasting experiences for your users. Contact us at <link>.


Why is UX important today?

UX is important because it focuses on user needs. User loyalty is based on positive experiences with the product or brand. In addition, a meaningful user experience allows you to define customer journeys on your site that is beneficial to your business.

What are the benefits of UX for businesses?

  • UX provides the following benefits for SMBs as well as enterprises:
  • Enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty
  • Increase user retention
  • Increase conversion rate
  • Build long-term relationships with users
  • Reduce development costs
  • Enhance ROI

What is the difference between UX and UI?

UI refers to all the components of your mobile and web application that is viewed when you open an app, such as the screens, color palette, font, icons, buttons, etc. UX refers to the experience you have with the application when you use it and how it makes you feel.
