Healthcare App Development

Healthcare App Development Cost: What You Need to Know

Cost of Healthcare App Development


It takes careful planning and consideration of all costs when making a healthcare app or web/mobile service. Especially for complex applications, like those in the digital health industry, development costs can be high.

Make sure you analyze the scope of your project and identify all the investments you need to ensure success. Not just development, but also marketing, staffing, and ongoing maintenance.

An application's development can be particularly complex in digital health because of regulatory requirements and integrating data sources. Because of this, it's important to work with experienced developers who understand these challenges.

Check out companies like Neetable that have experience developing healthcare apps, know regulatory requirements, and can provide references.

Here's everything you need to know about healthcare app development costs.

How Does An Estimation Of A Digital Health App Work? What Does It Comprise Of?

Who is the application developed by? An "app development agency" like Neetable or a "freelance developer" or by your "in-house team"?

What is the level of experience of the outsourcing agency's team? Which city do they reside in?

What are the project's features, platforms, integrations, etc.?

According to our experience and market research, healthcare apps can cost $50,000 to $500,000 to develop. Typically, this cost includes the design, development, testing, and deployment of the app, as well as ongoing maintenance and updates.

A healthcare app can be expensive to maintain, since it needs regular updates and security measures to stay compliant with regulatory requirements.

There are a lot of variables that determine the cost of developing and maintaining a mHealth app, so it's important to get an accurate estimate from experienced app developers.

Healthcare Market Overview

Recent years have seen explosive growth in the digital healthcare sector. By 2025, the digital healthcare industry will be worth 660 billion dollars. More than 21 billion USD has been invested in digital healthcare projects in the past two years, and that number is expected to keep growing.

Over the past few years, people have been using healthcare apps more and more. COVID-19 has had a major impact on this, with healthcare app downloads going up by 60% worldwide. mHealth apps are expected to keep growing as the healthcare industry embraces them.

Healthcare app development is popular, and it's reflected in the number of apps available. According to Statista, Google Play Store had 52,565 healthcare apps in Q1 2022, while Apple App Store had 51,370.

Business and healthcare professionals are keen to develop cutting-edge healthcare mobile apps thanks to the huge demand and investment in the healthcare app market.

The healthcare app development market is expected to continue its upward trajectory for years to come because of the huge returns on investment.

Healthcare App Development Costs Based on Type of App

Healthcare App Development Costs Based on Type of App

Depending on the type of app, platform, features, and complexity involved, healthcare app development costs can vary widely. Based on the type of healthcare app, here's what they cost:

Wellness and Fitness Apps

These types of apps are typically designed to help users track their fitness goals, monitor their activity levels, and manage their nutrition. The cost of developing a wellness or fitness app can range from $50,000 to $150,000.

Medical Reference Apps

Medical reference apps are designed to provide users with information about various medical conditions, treatments, and medications. These apps can range from simple reference tools to more complex diagnostic and treatment support tools. The cost of developing a medical reference app can range from $75,000 to $250,000.

Telemedicine Apps

Telemedicine apps are designed to enable remote consultations and patient monitoring. These apps typically include features such as video conferencing, secure messaging, and electronic health record integration. The cost of developing a telemedicine app can range from $150,000 to $500,000 or more.

Chronic Care Management Apps

These types of apps are designed to help patients manage chronic conditions such as diabetes, hypertension, and heart disease. They can include features such as medication reminders, symptom tracking, and data analytics to help patients and their healthcare providers better manage their conditions. The cost of developing a chronic care management app can range from $100,000 to $300,000 or more.

Electronic Health Record (EHR) Apps

EHR apps are designed to help healthcare providers manage patient health records electronically. These apps can include features such as patient scheduling, medical charting, and billing and payment processing. The cost of developing an EHR app can range from $500,000 to $1 million or more.

Prescription Delivery Apps

Prescription delivery apps are another type of healthcare app that has gained popularity in recent years. These apps allow users to order prescription medications online and have them delivered directly to their doorstep. The cost of developing a prescription delivery app can range from $100,000 to $300,000 or more.

Mental Health Apps

Mental health apps are designed to help individuals manage their mental health by providing resources, tools, and support. Mental health apps can range from meditation and mindfulness apps to apps that provide cognitive behavioral therapy and other forms of treatment. Some mental health apps may also include features such as mood tracking, journaling, and peer support communities. A simple meditation or mindfulness app may cost anywhere from $20,000 to $50,000 to develop, while a more complex mental health app with features such as cognitive behavioral therapy and peer support may cost upwards of $250,000 or more.

Build Your Healthcare App With Us

You run your own healthcare business. Your goal is to develop an mHealth app that makes your services accessible to patients. It's possible you have some vague idea about the app, like what kind of services it'll offer, what features it'll have, etc. Hopefully, this article will help you get a clearer picture.

Take a walk with us through the app creation process. By the end of this section, you'll know how much it'll cost to build a secure and well-loved mobile app.

Step 1: Choose your app type

Choose the type of healthcare app you want. See our section on (Healthcare App Development Costs Based on Type of App) for more information about other types of apps.

  • Health and wellness app: $20,000 - $50,000
  • Telemedicine app: $100,000 - $250,000
  • Electronic health records (EHR) app: $250,000 - $500,000

Step 2: Choose your app features

Features can play a big role in how useful an app is to users and how well it does what it's supposed to. Choose the features you want in your app. For example:

  • User registration and login: $5,000 - $10,000
  • Health tracking and monitoring: $20,000 - $50,000
  • Appointment scheduling: $10,000 - $20,000
  • Prescription ordering and refills: $20,000 - $50,000
  • Video consultations: $50,000 - $100,000
  • Integration with wearable devices: $10,000 - $20,000
  • In-app messaging: $5,000 - $10,000

Step 3: Choose your app integrations

Integrations can increase the app's capabilities and improve the user experience by reducing manual data entry or enabling seamless communication with healthcare providers. Choose which integrations you want in your app. For example:

  • Electronic health records (EHR) integration: $50,000 - $100,000
  • Payment processing integration: $10,000 - $20,000
  • Google Maps integration: $5,000 - $10,000
  • Social media integration: $5,000 - $10,000

Step 4: View your estimated cost

As soon as you've made all your choices, you can get a rough idea of how much it'll cost to develop your healthcare app. For a proper estimate, you'll also have to factor in maintenance, developer costs, etc.

Step 5: Share your dream healthcare app

Get your app out there. This would require hiring a developer or partnering with a reliable and exprienced healthcare app development agency like Neetable.


A healthcare app takes a lot of planning and consideration. Healthcare app development costs are affected by many factors, from regulatory compliance to user experience. Choosing the right healthcare app development agency with expertise in digital health is crucial to your app's success. Working with an agency will help you develop your healthcare app with confidence and achieve your goals for improving patient outcomes.
